two segments of Voice de-sounded
voice void
hea(r)d voice
'The one who reads silently...is suffused by his (sic) inner sonority, if inside is exactly where it is, if sonorous is exactly what it is.' (Stephen Connor)
What is the voice we 'hear' when we read silently to ourselves? Is it the same as thought or our internal monologue? What relationship does it have to the 'voice' of the author? Inner voice has taxed philosophers since Socrates, and continues to be a fascinating concept today, as impossible to pin down as a rainbow. Leona attempted to create a piece that doesn't try to offer answers, but allows a reader to experience their own inner voice in a more obvious way than usual. Situating the installation in an alcove, a place for stepping aside, the arrangement encouraged only one person at a time to read the screen and therefore feel the intimacy of the experience.
Reverberating in the space around was the cacophony of chatter that was the backbone of ...UMm (see Hubbub page for more details).
Reverberating in the space around was the cacophony of chatter that was the backbone of ...UMm (see Hubbub page for more details).